Be aware that this is what a girl would first see, if I ever managed to get them back to my bedroom...if they stuck around I would be pretty impressed...!
We'll start with piccie 1:
Picture 1 is of my the moment this is what it looks like (however the laptop parts tend to stay hidden under my bed). Now I'm by no means a massive fact this is the first laptop I've tried to fix. It is having a power jack issue, so I'm currently taking it apart in the hope of fixing it. If that's not possible...or too much effort, I might see if I can have some fun with the spare parts...I'm pretty sure I could use the screen, rejig it so I can use it as a spare VGA for my laptop at the moment! It'd be pretty cool to have a duel screen working environment!! :oDDD
Picture 2, is the emergency would I be able to take stuff apart without it?! Exactly...that bad boy got my broken laptop all apart as well!
Ok...picture 3 is a couple of my shelves...I've lettered it to help me get through this part it would be hard work otherwise...
A: This is my Umbrella Corporation wristband...if you don't know who Umbrella corp are, you need to play more survival horror games! ;o)
B: This is my small collection of Manga comics...I don't have a lot of money to collect so I only get things on offer etc. I currently have all 3 Princess Ai, all 3 I Luv Halloween, all 3 Cowboy Bebop, a couple of Battle Vixens...the first 5 Battle Royale...and a couple more
C: This is an old Birthday card which I got sent from Japan by my sister. It's cute, it has a squid on the front and then you open it up and there's a little squid inside (on a spring), that's sat on a griddle tray. My sister's friend translated the message. It says "Happy Birthday! Please let me say a word. You...doing squid!" idea what that's all about
D: This is my Muppet's collection....
E: This is just DVD's and PS2 games
F: More DVD's on this shelf...just to let you know the kind of things which I have...Lord of the Rings - extended editions, Star Wars original Trilogy, Back to the Future Trilogy, some of the Star Trek movies, Serenity, all the Tarrentino stuff, the Matrix trilogy, Firefly TV Series, Aeon Flux cartoon series, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, X-Men Trilogy, Resident Evil Trilogy...and loads of other stuff (Hitchcocks, Monty Pythons, some Asian Stuff...Battle Royale 1&2, loadsa Takeshi Kitano stuff...)
G: That is a NDS game from Japan...
H: Every geek has spools of CDs all over the place....I have about 5 over the bedroom!
I: A cricket ball!
Top Shelf...a lot of books and stuff, quite a lot are my law books though!
More law books....on top of my wardrobe though this time...all my shelves are full up!
My other book may be able to spot the Harry Potters, but there's loadsa other fantasy stuff there too. Also I have some Beano/Dandy Annuals...ummm graphic novels...and Fresh Fruits, you should check that book out if you have's a book of photo's of the Japanese all dressed up crazy! It's cool...oh and my beautiful PS2...!
And finally, my Fairy...she even has a garland now...which is what is above the box....her name is Lexi and she's a Rock Hard Fairy! She's the only Rock Hard Fairy I own, but I think they're pretty cool, I wouldn't mind more (if you want to get me a present!! ;o)))) )
Well that's it anyway...a small insite into the world of a g33k! I hope you enjoyed that! I decided it seem that everyone loves a sneaky peek into the lives of others (hence the reason Heat, Hello! and OK magazine doing so well!), now I'm no celeb, but I have some interesting bits and bobs lying around....
Oh and don't forget that if you have a lot of that kinda stuff lying around you too are a geek! Congratulations...
Muchos Luvos!
Sweet pad, I think the ladies would prefer waking up in there instead of my dungeon ;-)